Here is a popular selection of glass processing basics, technologies, new machine tool launches, demonstrations, featured stories, latest news, and events, headlines, applications, market reports, memorabilia, history and development prospects, safety protection guidelines, research explorations, as well as some how-to instructions.

  • Jul 17, 2023

At present, the safety glass production enterprises in some developing countries are still mostly small and medium-sized, and most of them are order-based production models. Many enterprises are limited by insufficient funds and talents, lack scientific management methods, and cannot improve product technology. Some facility layouts designed only based on production experience have become a bottleneck in improving the production efficiency of enterprises.

6 min read
  • Apr 15, 2020

Maybe there is the problem, which is the procurement manager usually think about it, how do purchasers use the Kraljic Matrix to purchase glass processing production equipment or glass produce raw materials. this article will introduce the application of well-known procurement models in the glass processing industry, and give a high-quality recommendation to the majority of glass processing manufacturers.

1 min read
  • Mar 4, 2020

This article combines Jinan Lijiang's years of experience in the glass deep processing industry to give readers a detailed introduction to how to calculate the production cost of one square meter of insulating glass, which is convenient for purchasers and friends who plan to enter the industry as an investment reference...

3 min read
  • Jan 15, 2020

As we all know, the new design capabilities in the manufacture of glass deep processing industry are boosting growth in the market, especially the Insulating glass processing industry. At the same time, this also means more choices are available to the glass purchaser. To assist in the reader's sourcing efforts and understanding of the glass marketplace, we have compiled lists of top competitors in the glass market in the tables below...

14 min read